Workshop Sustainable Democracy and Violence Control in Nigeria in partnership with Transition Monitoring Group (TMG) (1999).

Mapping (survey) of the conflict situation in the Niger Delta region in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) (2001).

Training workshop for students and youths on conflicts management approaches in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) (2000).

Workshops on conflict transformation, community peace-roundtable and peace-building outreach in the Niger Delta in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) (2001-2003).

Grassroots network for conflict management and peace roundtable in the Niger Delta under
the auspices of Committee on Reconcilia  on, Peace and Coopera  on (COREPEC) in partnership with Friedrich Ebert S   ung (FES) (2001-2007).

Interactive Radio programme on Human Rights and Democracy (Peacetalks) in the Niger Delta in
partnership with Netherlands Embassy, Nigeria (2001-2003).

Community- Based Advocacy Network across the Niger Delta in partnership with Open Society Ini  a  ve for West Africa (OSIWA) (2004)

Workshop on Media and Cons  tu  onal Reform Dialogue in partnership with Friedrich Ebert S   ung
(FES) (2005)

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