Peace and Development Projects (PEDEP) emerged in 2000 from Centre for the prevention and Control of Violence (COREPEC) and registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission; Nigeria as a non-governmental organization.
PEDEP is committed to the attainment of peaceful, democratic and developed society. PEDEP has, through collaborative efforts with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), sustained active presence in the Niger Delta since 2000. PEDEP has carried out training programmes and field ac vi es on Conflict Management, Peace building ac vi es in the Niger Delta Region with active participation of members of a network of change agents known as Committee on Reconciliation, Peace and Cooperation (COREPEC) through the support of FES. Between 2001 and 2003, PEDEP in partnership with the Royal Netherlands Embassy, Nigeria initiated Peace-talks; a weekly one-hour enlightenment programme on Radio aimed at highlighting the imperatives for human rights, peace and development in the Niger Delta.

 In 2004, PEDEP in partnership with the Open Society Initiative of West Africa (OSIWA) initiated a Community-Based Advocacy Network to sensitize actors within local communities on the use of advocacy for the purposes of democratic empowerment and peaceful resolution of conflicts in the Niger-Delta. PEDEP has implemented Grassroots Democratic Empowerment project in six Local Government Areas in the Niger Delta in partnership with Ireland Embassy, Nigeria. PEDEP conducted Sustainable Livelihoods Assessment survey in 6 Oil Producing communities in the Niger Delta in partnership with Chevron Nigeria Limited. PEDEP organized a workshop on the Media and constitutional Dialogue in February 2005 with the support of FES.  PEDEP, in collaboration with two other NGOs and in partnership with FES carried out a field survey leading to a publica on Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Niger Delta region. PEDEP publishes Violence Watch to occasionally monitor and review situation of violent conflicts, Peace builder; a Newsletter on COREPEC ac vi es in the Niger-Delta; as well as Report on violent conflicts in Nigeria on annual basis.

Our Vision

To be active in Promoting peace and development; to be relevant in deploying strategic initiatives in stimulating non-violence approach; and to be a torchbearer in advocating enabling socio-economic policies and in sustaining stable democratic polity.

Our Mission

To demonstrate commitment to policies and programmes that are pro-poor; to stimulate the multiplication of torchbearer and change-agents for sustainable peace and development; and to work assiduously towards stabldemocratic polity that derives legitimacy from popular participation  of viable platforms and plural society.

Our Goal

To deploy complimentary strategies in promoting peace and development by working in concert with state and non-state actors, local and institutional partners as well as relevant stakeholders. This goal is aimed at ensuring:

  1. Active involvement in conflict management and peace processes.
  2. Stakeholder-driven ac vi es at the grassroots to expand democratic space
  3. Partnership initiatives for sustainable socio-economic and political development.
  4. Promotion of initiatives for non-violence and democratic stability.


*To deepen democracy by working in concert with local and international stakeholders to sustain conflict management and non-violence.

*To initiate community-based; pro-poor activities aimed at ensuring sustainable livelihoods for peaceful, stable and developed society

*To consolidate plural society by strengthen democratic ideals through trainings, researches, documentations, policy advocacies and relevant developmental initiatives.

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