Peace And Development Projects
Peace and Development Projects (PEDEP) registered, in 2004, with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) operates in partnership with stakeholders and change agents across the Nigerian public and the private sectors as well with other regional and international agencies. PEDEP emerged in 2000 from the Centre for the prevention and Control of Violence (COREPEC) with renewed commitment to the attainment of peaceful, democratic and developed Nigerian society and the global community. The core program of PEDEP revolves around conlict management & peace-building; community-based-development-driven projects; youth & women empowerment training and capacity building; consultancy services research & documentation, advocacy and enlightenment campaigns, media and publicity.
Since 2001, PEDEP has sustained active presence in the Niger Delta through implementation of series of capacity building and community-based programs. Between 2001 and 2003 with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES). PEDEP in partnership with the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Nigeria initiated peacetalks; a weekly one- hour enlightenment program Rivers State Radio that highlighted the imperatives of human rights, peace and development Intervention in promoting peace.
In 2004, PEDEP in partnership with the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) implemented Community-Based Advocacy Network to sensitise select activists and inluencers at the grassroots across the Niger Delta on the use of advocacy for the purposes of peaceful resolution of conlicts. PEDEP also initiated Grassroots Democratic Empowerment Project in six Local Government Areas in the Niger Delta in partnership with Ireland Embassy in Nigeria to deepen community participation in the democratic process.
In February 2005, PEDEP organized a workshop on the Media and Constitutional Dialogue with the support of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).
In 2007, PEDEP participated in Sustainable Livelihood Assessment Survey in six Oil Producing communities in the Niger Delta to engage Chevron on the impact of its corporate social responsibility initiatives.
In collaboration with FES and two NGOs, PEDEP carried out a ield survey leading to a publication on Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in the Niger Delta region. PEDEP was part of the team for Oil Palm Value Chain Assessment in the Niger Delta in 2012 in collaboration with Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND).
PEDEP in partnership with Wetlands International Africa (WIA) carried out research on Sustainable Livelihoods and Bio-Diversity Assessment Studies in four communities of the Niger Delta in 2013.
PEDEP is committed to peace building process in Niger Delta to facilitate accelerated development in the region as well as to consolidate stability in Nigeria. in 2024, PEDEP began series of consultancy engagement with Directorates and Departments of the Niger Development Commission (NDDC).

Our Vision
To be active in promoting peace and development; to be relevant in deploying strategic initiatives to stimulate non-violent approach; and to be a torchbearer in advocating enabling socio-economic policies to sustain stable democratic polity.

Our Mission
To demonstrate commitment to pro-poor policies and programs; to stimulate the multiplication of torchbearer and change-agents for sustainable peace and development; and to work assiduously towards stable democratic polity that derives legitimacy from popular participation to engender the objective of plural society.

Core Values
- Advocacy
- Sustainability
- Empowerment
- Democratic
- Integrity
- Inclusivity
- Active Participation
- Collaboration
- To deepen democracy by working in concert with local and international stakeholders to sustain conflict management and non-violence.
- To initiate community-based; pro-poor activities aimed at ensuring sustainable livelihoods for peaceful, stable and developed society.
- To consolidate the ideals of plural society by strengthening democracy through training, research, documentation, policy advocacy and relevant developmental initiatives.
Our Goals
PEDEP seeks to achieve the following Goals:
- Active involvement in conflict management and peace building processes.
- Stakeholder-driven activities at the grassroots to expand democratic space.
- Partnership initiatives for sustainable socio-economic and political development.
- Commitment to initiatives that promote non-violent engagements, democracy and stability.
- Consultancy services and partnership initiatives.
Our Partners
PEDEP has collaborated with esteemed organizations at various times and levels. These partnerships have driven impactful initiatives in peacebuilding, community advocacy, and conflict resolution, contributing significantly to sustainable development in the Niger Delta and beyond.

Join PEDEP in driving peace, advocacy, and sustainable development. Together, we can empower communities, resolve conflicts, and shape a thriving, harmonious future. Partner with us today to create lasting impact!